Startup Showcase: Jamlist – Revolutionizing the Global Hospitality Industry

1 min read

Jamlist is a startup that has the potential to revolutionize the global hospitality industry. Based in London, England, Jamlist is a marketplace for buyers and vendors in the hospitality industry. The platform provides a simple, centralized, and efficient way for buyers to source products and services from a range of vendors across the globe.

A Solution to Diffraction and Disorganization

Jamlist was founded on the belief that the supply chain in the hospitality industry was diffused and disorganized. The procurement process was convoluted and needed a significant restructuring. The founders of Jamlist realized that the industry was burdened by unnecessary middlemen, and they aimed to create a platform that could eliminate that inefficiency.

A Transparent Model for the Future

The marketplace is made up of a series of vendor shopfronts. Buyers can easily browse through these storefronts and source products and services. The platform aims to reduce the need for middlemen and streamline the procurement process for buyers. The founders of Jamlist hope to create a transparent model that gives equal access to buyers and manufacturers.

The Future of Jamlist

Jamlist’s primary audience is SME buyers within the global hospitality industry. They soon hope to target larger buyers as well. Their main aim is to create a transparent model that reduces the need for individual distributors and supports all manufacturers’ equal access to buyers. In the future, Jamlist is looking forward to disrupting the hospitality industry’s supply chain by providing an all-encompassing solution.

Overall, Jamlist is a significant platform that provides a simple, efficient, and transparent solution to the hospitality industry’s diffused and disorganized supply chain. It is a startup to watch because of its potential to change the industry’s procurement process significantly. Head over to and find out more about the platform and how it can transform procurement in the hospitality industry.

Read more from UKT News:  How is This Innovative Hospitality Platform Revolutionising the UK Hotel Industry?





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