
Community Kickstart Fund: Apply for £300 to Set Up a New Sports or Fitness Activity in Cambridge

Cambridge City Council is offering funding to local groups and fitness instructors to help set up or run sports or fitness sessions for people in Cambridge through the Community Kickstart Fund.

2 mins read

Are you a local group, sports coach or instructor, or a resident of Cambridge who is passionate about sports and fitness? Are you interested in starting a new sports or fitness activity in your local area but struggling with funding? If yes, then the Community Kickstart Fund is here to help you. This article explores how the Community Kickstart Fund can help you kickstart your sports or fitness activity in Cambridge.

What is the Community Kickstart Fund?

The Community Kickstart Fund is a grant scheme funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and administered by Cambridge City Council. The fund aims to support local groups and fitness instructors in setting up or running sports or fitness sessions for people in Cambridge.

Who can apply for the fund?

Applications are welcome from a variety of local groups and organizations, such as girl guiding/scout/cadet groups; youth clubs; organizations supporting older adults or disabled people; faith organizations or minority ethnic groups; or groups of local residents. Local sports coaches and instructors are also welcome to apply to kickstart a sports or exercise activity in their local area.

How much funding is available?

The Community Kickstart Fund offers a grant of £300 to cover costs such as hiring a facility for an activity, paying a coach or instructor, or purchasing equipment.

How to apply for the fund?

Applications are welcome at any time before the deadline at the end of March, but funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until all the funding has been allocated. Interested applicants can apply for the Community Kickstart Fund through the Cambridge City Council website.

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Why is the Community Kickstart Fund important?

Sports and fitness activities are important for promoting physical and mental wellbeing. However, not everyone has access to facilities or the financial means to participate in such activities. The Community Kickstart Fund aims to support local groups and individuals in overcoming these barriers and promoting inclusive sports and fitness activities in Cambridge.

Cllr Alex Collis, Executive Councillor for Open Spaces, Food Justice and Community Development, said: “We know there can be various barriers that stop some people from being able to use a gym, attend fitness classes, or join a sports club – and that not doing so can have a detrimental impact on people’s physical and mental wellbeing. Funding local community groups and instructors to set up inclusive sports or fitness sessions is one way we can support people’s wellbeing. So, if you are part of a local group or you have an idea for where you could set up a new activity, please get in touch, and we can help with your startup costs through the Community Kickstart Fund.”


The Community Kickstart Fund is a valuable opportunity for local groups and individuals in Cambridge to access funding to start or run inclusive sports and fitness activities. By promoting physical and mental wellbeing, these activities can have a positive impact on individuals and the community as a whole. If you are interested in starting a new sports or fitness activity in Cambridge, do not hesitate to apply for the Community Kickstart Fund and make a difference in your community.

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