Revolutionising Corporate Consultation: Are Online Marketplaces the Future?

2 mins read

Key Takeaways:

  • Consulthon is revolutionising the corporate consultation industry by using an online marketplace model to connect companies with independent management consultants.
  • The London-based startup allows businesses to submit their problems and matches them with the right consultant who can offer a tailored solution.
  • The virtual platform provides a flexible and effective alternative to traditional consultancy services, offering a wider range of expertise and a more cost-effective approach.
  • With an increasing trend towards digitisation, online marketplaces like Consulthon could represent the future of the consulting industry.

In an era dominated by technology and rapid digitisation, traditional business models are being rethought and reshaped. Companies are seeking highly specialised advice to tackle complex problems and drive innovation. In response to this growing demand, Consulthon – a London-based startup – is offering a unique solution: an online marketplace that connects independent management consultants with companies in need of their expertise. By allowing businesses to directly tap into a global network of consultants, Consulthon is setting new standards in the corporate consultation industry.

Founded by Marieta Bencheva and Mirel Baila, Consulthon works on two clear levels: addressing businesses’ complex problems and providing consultants the opportunity to offer their services. Companies submit their issues to the platform, which then partners them with the most suitable consultant for their needs. From here, a personalised approach is taken to provide the best solutions, whether that be through a concentrated advisory call or a longer term project engagement.

What sets Consulthon apart is its commitment to a flexible, cost-effective and decentralised approach. Traditional consultancy firms typically have high charges to offset overhead costs. Consulthon subverts this by offering direct access to a wide array of consultants, reducing costs and increasing the range of available expertise. Furthermore, the platform allows companies to find and connect with industry specialists who might otherwise be inaccessible due to geographical limitations.

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Another advantage of Consulthon is the value it places on independent consultants. Often overlooked by large consultancy firms, these experts now have an outlet to offer their services. SMEs also benefit from this model as they can afford top-end consultation that they may have struggled to access before. Consulthon is an example of how digital disruption can equalise the playing field in various industries.

Looking into the future, it is clear that digital platforms like Consulthon are not just a temporary trend but are revolutionising the world of corporate consulting. With the rise of digitisation, virtual marketplaces promise a more flexible, cost-effective and democratised approach to business. Specialists from around the world can be instantly accessed and businesses of all sizes can now receive top-class advice without damaging their bottom line.

Despite being in its early days, Consulthon has shown potential to set the precedent for the future of the consulting industry. With further growth and adoption, platforms like this would not only change how companies seek advice but also how consultants offer their expertise. Continue to follow Consulthon’s growth on their website along with their Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin profiles.

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