Startup Showcase: WikiExpert – Igniting AI-powered communities built around Expertise

1 min read

Searching for the right answer to individual problems remains a challenge in today’s world. The internet has made expertise globally available, but finding it remains a challenge. WikiExpert aims to solve this by building global communities to improve people’s lives through an AI-powered platform that connects users with the best expertise available.

All-in-One solution for global communities

At WikiExpert, we envisioned an “All-in-One” solution where users can discover expertise, read articles, chat, and book one-on-one consultations with experts. The platform’s artificial intelligence (AI) connects users with the best experts available, ensuring a seamless experience for anyone seeking answers to their problems. WikExpert offers an easy-to-use platform designed to make finding solutions as effortless as possible.

Proven success with users

Since launch, WikiExpert has already helped over 250,000 users to find solutions to their problems, connecting them with over 3,000 experts. Users of the platform have spent on average more than eight minutes per session, indicating the value WikiExpert creates. This is three times more than that of Quora, one of our competitors, and almost five times longer than Medium.

Growth and Revenue Generation

WikiExpert’s unique concept helps us to generate high-value leads for advertisers and commercial partners in a focused and non-intrusive environment. We aim to monetize our platform with advertisements, generating revenue from Q1 2023. Moreover, we plan to scale up our user growth in the coming months by raising funds, further accelerating the platform’s growth.

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WikiExpert is the go-to platform for those seeking expertise to solve individual problems. Our “All-in-One” solution provides a seamless experience like no other, and our AI-powered platform connects users with the best experts available. With opportunities for monetization on the horizon, our growth trajectory is impressive. Join us at WikiExpert and create a better future for yourself.





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