Which UK CleanTech Startups Are Revolutionising Sustainable Energy Today?

2 mins read

As the world grapples with climate change and seeks to diminish its carbon footprint, the evolution of CleanTech – technology that seeks to boost productivity, efficiency, and profitability, all while reducing costs and impact on the environment – becomes increasingly crucial. With UK’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% (relative to 1990 levels) by 2050, and its ambitious goal of net-zero by 2050, the nation has arguably one of the most vibrant Cleantech sectors globally. In this piece, we introduce fifteen British CleanTech startups making a difference in various industries, from manufacturing, e-commerce, transportation, to fitness.

For the uninitiated, the term ‘CleanTech’ encompasses a wide range of products, services, and processes, all utilizing renewable materials and energy sources, dramatically reducing emissions and waste, and having a minimal impact on the environment. As the industry grows, so does its potential to disrupt and reshape industries, clean up our environment, and enhance corporate sustainability.

These fifteen British startups, each unique, driven by innovative ideas, and environmental responsibility, provide a snapshot of the exciting work that CleanTech startups are capable of.


uFraction8 is a pioneer in the world of bio-manufacturing. The idea put forth by founders Brain Miller, Monika Tomecka, is simple yet revolutionary – a microfluidics-based filtration system designed to harvest biomass more efficiently and sustainably. It’s a welcome intervention in the domains of biotechnology, CleanTech, industrial engineering, and manufacturing.

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Save Your Wardrobe

Combining CleanTech and retail, the Save Your Wardrobe platform founded by Hasna Kourda and Mehdi Doghri, uses technology to streamline the post-purchase experience, promoting sustainable shopping and clothing care.

Urban Electric Networks

As electric vehicles become more prevalent, Urban Electric Networks founded by Keith Johnston and Olivier Freeling-Wilkinson, aims to build low-impact charging infrastructure for wide spread adoption of EVs.


Ever wondered about the footprint of your product? Circulor makes it possible to trace your supply chain. By leveraging blockchain technology, founders Douglas Johnson-Poensgen and Veera Johnson are spearheading a sustainable future in supply chain management.


Dropless, an innovative endeavour by Christian Duncan and Mike Grindy, is transforming vehicle care through water-saving, on-demand wash and valet service.


At Oxwash, founders Aron D’Souza, Kyle Grant, and Thomas de Wilton, have developed a sustainable laundry and cleaning solution for all.

Continuum Industries

Power transmission design and development is being transformed by Continuum Industries. Founders Emil Hansen, Grzegorz Marecki, and Matt Blythe are leveraging machine learning to accelerate energy transition.

UK Battery Industrialisation Centre

The UK Battery Industrialisation Centre is leading the way in battery R&D and advancements for the automotive industry.


Ever thought your workout could be a source of electrical power? Energym, founded by Will Flint, turns gym workouts into usable electrical power with its clean-energy generating gym equipment.

Nova Extraction

Nova Extraction, the brainchild of Alexander N and Sergey S, offers a novel solution for supercritical CO2 extraction with mobile, off-grid hardware.

Qdot Technology

Qdot Technology’s innovative thermal management technology is paving the way for clean energy generation and utilisation of electrical power.

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Advancements in eco-friendly fuels are being made by HyDIME, an Innovate UK funded project, using sustainable hydrogen fuel for commercial ferry operation.

HEC Systems

HEC Systems is raising the bar in the cleaning equipment industry with their eco-friendly cleaning equipment and systems.

Low Sulphur Fuels

Low Sulphur Fuels is revolutionising the chemical industry with its low-cost solution for creating useful substances from used hydrocarbon materials, an innovation put forward by founders Glenn Halliday and John Taylor.

Neoptera Aero

Neoptera Aero, led by founders Arnaud Didey and Renaud Othomene, is making waves in the aerospace industry. They are developing a winged eVTOL aircraft for Public Services, Military Applications and future Urban Air Mobility.

To conclude, CleanTech is undeniably a vanguard for the sustainable future we crave and requires. These UK-based startups are leading the way by pushing boundaries and embracing innovation to create sustainable solutions. As climate change continues to pose a global threat, CleanTech startups such as these provide hope for a greener, cleaner future.

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